Free time, but no free time all at once

When most of you read the title of this post, you will think I have officially lost it, but after trying to put how I have been feeling these past few months into words, those are the best to describe it all.

Post grad life has been so exciting and rewarding! I don’t think very many people know this, but I am exactly where I want to be, hell, I really didn’t even know this until about 2 months ago. I won’t go into all the details, but when I sit and look back to even 1 year ago, who I thought I was and where I thought I would be is totally opposite of where I am and who I really am. I know more confusion, try living it! I will give a short recap: I started college in 2006 as an art major (got talked out of it all with the whole “you can’t live off that” speech), so I switched to business and then to journalism – ad & PR. The thought of making $$$$$ motivated me and was my driving force, don’t get my wrong, I love the creativeness behind it all – I love design, writing and it actually is 100% the path I needed to take to be doing what I do now, but the motives behind it all for me have changed. Of course I want to make $$$, but I have once again come to a reality for myself that for me money doesn’t = happiness, doing what I love does.

So that is what I have been doing and plan to do for the rest of my life! Yes, I have finally found what to do for “the rest of my life.” I grew up surrounded by crafts/sewing/fabric 24/7 as I was lucky to have a mom who owns a fabric shop. I learned to sew at the age of 3 and was really into it for awhile, then HS hit and I let partying take control, then college hit and I thought there were bigger and “better” things out there, while I learned through internships and jobs that there are bigger things out there, to me there is nothing “better” – I had my dream job in front of me all along, I just was too stupid to realize it. But on the defense, they say you can’t appreciate things until you have lost them or gone out and experienced things you don’t like making you realize the good you have. I do not regret the path it took to get here, just the amount of time it took and the money I lost in the process, but everything happens for a reason!

Anyway, the point to this ramble is that I hadn’t blogged in awhile, but I have been so busy with this new/old me. I can’t really say new me because I am just re-discovering who I once was. Back to the free time, but no free time thing – most everyone knows my life was 100% devoted to school, so once I graduated I feel like people expected me to be free all of a sudden, but that is not how I want it, I want free time and have it, but I also have a million and a half different lists of projects/hobbies/things to learn. I have finally loosened up again, and just started to let myself be me, something I feel like I shut away during college. I was so obsessed with the sight of $$$ and big agencies and this and that, that I truly feel like I lost sight of myself, and I am now spending my days re-discovering me! Everyday I learn something new, for example, I had not seen a Star Wars movie for quite sometime before tonight, a year ago I would have said who has time for that, but tonight my hubby and I decided to start from the beginning, well episode IV – a new hope, of our BluRay complete series (yes, I bought it for him for xmas, all $90 of it). We are going to watch one a night this week, and I am so looking forward to it!

It was seriously so fun and refreshing to just nerd out together, my hubby has always been and will always be a big nerd at heart and I love that about him, and he has always called me his little closet nerd. ❤ No, not just HP, I have always been a HUGE Marvel girl, and yes, I have a WOW account and I love to play, I grew up watching hours of Star Trek, and have a thing for all supernatural, my favorite books are those that for the most part do not involve humans, and TrueBlood may or may not be a fantasy world I wish I lived in, well after HP of course! I have been having so much fun just living life again! Another favorite activity of mine has been gamin’ it up with the hubby – right now we are obsessing with HP Lego years 1-4 (almost entirely beat after countless hours of fun) and we are excited to play years 5-7, Pirates Lego, Batman Lego, Starwars Lego and Indiana Lego (we have them all waiting). We have also been playing a lot of Mario, a FOREVER favorite, and a few others.

In addition to finding my inner nerd again, I cannot stop thinking about DIY crafting/sewing projects and I have finally been crossing projects off my list and finishing projects I had cut out from 5+ years ago – after my 40+ hours a week of work that is – I am lucky though, it is work that I LOVE! For once in my life, I look forward to Monday, I never hate being at work and even find myself wanting to go put in extra hours, I mean my work is also my hobby and I love that!

I am also super excited to FINALLY be going to Comic-Con! This is something the hubby & I have wanted to do since day 1 together, but one of us always had summer class finals at that time, but not this year! In addition to SD Comic Con, we plan to attend some of the other shows as well as Wonder Con next year and BlizzCon 2013. Another event that just got added to our list is the new HP Studio Tour in LONDON, yes LONDON opening Spring 2012 and of course HP World in FL. I cannot wait for these trips/events – costumes/outfit planning in full effect!

Post grad for a lot of students = traveling the world (which I am jealous of and I know we will do one day), landing top notch jobs with Fortune 500 companies, becoming parents, getting married, moving somewhere new, etc. but for me it = re-discovering myself and finally realizing what I truly want has been right in front of me all along, I just needed to go out an experience things that didn’t make me happy to appreciate it and let myself be me!

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